March 19, 2018 0Komen disiniA+ a-

Assalamualaikum people ❤️.

Lets be honest, all of us have imaan swings. There are days when we are high on imaan and there are days when we find even praying the fardh salah (solat fardhu) a daunting task.

There are days when we want to read the Quran for half an hour, and then there are days when we dont feel like reading the Single verse .

All of us are struggling. But know that every step we take to get closer towards Allah, every desire we control in order to please Him, every ounce of strength we take not to indulge in haram, and every effort we take to do even the smallest of good deeds is being seen and appreciated by Allah. So keep going!

“And for those who strive hard for Us, We will most certainly guide them in Our ways; and Allah is the most surely with the doers of good.” (Quran, 29:69)

Dr. Bilal Philps,


March 07, 2018 0Komen disiniA+ a-

Hello everyone. Here i am again. Dah lama rasanya sis tidak mengupdate entry dalam blog sis ni. Rindu sangat! Ya Allah🤧!

Blog ni lah tempat sis meluahkan perasaan suatu masa dahulu. Time tu ada laptop so menghadap laptop ja lah almost 24jam semata-mata mau pergi blogwalking ke blog orang lain ja. Tapi sekarang ni laptop dah Innalillah. So sis tidak berkesempatan buat semua tu lagi🤧🤧☹️.

Banyak benda mau kemaskini dalam blog sis ni tapi tu lah kena pakai laptop or pc jugak barulah boleh buat semua tu.

Apapun, sis doakan semua kawan-kawan blogger, selalu dalam keadaan sihat dan doakan sis dapat beli laptop baru dan buat jejak kasih ke blog-blog kamu semua ya😣.

Salam sayang,