September 10, 2014 1Komen disiniA+ a-

Assalamualaikum. Good morning everyone. How are you feeling today? *I feel good, great, juicy*. hahaha.

Dah jarang-jarang dapat hapdet entry dekat blog kesayangan ku ini disebabkan komitmen luar yang perlu saya fokus melebihi komitmen pada blog. Memandangkan kerja saya bukanlah menghadap handphone dan laptop dan pc 12 jam seminggu atau 24 jam seminggu so blog ini terpaksa ku abaikan seketika.

Tapi akan diusahakan untuk hapdet jugak sebagai kenangan pada masa akan datang. Aisehh! hahaha. Emm bhaaa. Kembali kepada tajuk asal entry ini ya. 


Sebulan bekerja disini.. A lot of things ive learned. Its not just about outdoor activities. Its also about your ass. Move it yeahhh ! please move it. dont get lazy! because nobody will going to coodle me if am lazy. haha. Isnt it????

And here..

I learned to make more friends even if that pepol far from my age. I shall learn how to out from my comfort zone. How to be more creative. How to make pepol smile. How to be more confident when talk in front of other pepol. 

Sometime.. I ask myself before I go to sleep. What I want to be while working here?
Sometime am getting blurrr -,-" . ahaks. But i try my best to get my own answer from my own question.

Actually... what I want to be is just being more fit, confident, happy, tenacious, strong, cool, bright and brilliant. hihihi ^_^. May I?

social work quotes inspirational | Via MakingArtMatters
Ohh yaeahh.. my friend told me:
fifiy, u can make urself anything, and have a lot of fun while doing it. But its up to you to make it happen or not. u'r in charge.You're entirely up to u to make ur own life. So please fall in love with the process so the results will come and make u smile and smile.
 Haaa.. kan.. betul jugak tu kawan saya cakap. I CAN MAKE MYSELF ANTYTHING WHILE DOING MY WORK. tapi biarlah yang positif dan baik-baik. bukan jadi badut haha.

Ok cukup setakat ini jak. Actually banyak benda baru yang saya belajar disini tapi tidak dapat saya ungkai dengan kata-kata dan penulisan di entry ini. HEHEHE. see u guys next and next In sha Allah. dadaaaaa.

Nama panggilan saya Fifiy or Fit. Boleh panggil antara satu. hehe. Seorang yang sangat pemalu dan hanya bercakap bila perlu sahaja atau ketika dengan kawan-kawan yg terdekat. Already finished my study - Diploma in Journalism.